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Harnessing Intelligence to Guard the Waters from Hidden Threats

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Gain comprehensive situational awareness of vessel operations in coastal waters

Boost maritime security by equipping naval forces and coast with vital tools for effective sea protection. Facilitate real-time vessel monitoring for better awareness and quick threat detection. Set alerts for key events, track patterns, and utilize reports for informed decision. Trident enhances operations, enabling swift responses to safeguard waters.


Proactively Detect Threat

Stay ahead of risks by detecting suspicious activities and anomalies in real-time, and neutralising them before they escalate.

Optimize Mission Efficiency

Enhance mission outcomes with precise insights that enable smarter decisions, effective resource allocation and seamless coordination, reducing response times and costs.

Effective Border Security

Secure maritime borders with a unified view of activities, enabling rapid detection and prevention of unauthorized intrusions to safeguard national sovereignty.


Safeguard the National Waters

Dark Ship Detection

Utilizes satellite imagery, radar, and radio frequency data to spot dark ships, allowing for the identification of vessels avoiding detection. This enables prompt interception of unauthorized activities and complete maritime control.

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Remote Asset Monitoring

Monitors remote assets for vessel intrusions in restricted areas using AIS, radar, and satellite imagery. Provides real-time alerts to detect unauthorized activities and ensure security in critical maritime zones.

Search & Rescue Missions

Combines AIS, radar, satellite imagery, and data to support search and rescue operations, enhancing resource allocation with real-time situational awareness for quicker response times and improved mission success.

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Countering Piracy Threats

Analyzes vessel patterns in high-risk areas to identify anomalies and potential piracy threats, enabling timely responses to secure maritime operations and protect assets.

Safeguard Your Waters Today

Together, We Secure the Nation’s Frontlines

Contact us to learn how multi-sensory data fusion and cutting-edge AI can help you safeguard the national waters.

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